Curious Mind Grapes

Weaving the Unified Field: An Interview with Mare Cromwell (Part 1)

Mary Hoyt Kearns, PhD and Christine Szegda, M.Ed., ACC Episode 10

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Meet Mare Cromwell, the co-creator of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid, who turned her lymphoma diagnosis into an opportunity to connect with Mother Gaia and receive divine guidance from nature. Her spiritual journey led her to co-create a grid of ceremonies radiating healing energies across the globe, starting at the Washington Mall in 2016. Learn about Mare's spiritual journey and her profound commitment to birthing a new earth.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Two Harmless Randos with your hosts, christine and Mary. We're excited to share this interview with our very first guest, mary Cromwell. She'll be talking about an important and inspiring annual event she co-created that's happening on Saturday, october 21st. In this first of a two-part interview, we'll hear Mary's origin story, learn about the divinely inspired thousand goddesses gathering global grid which debuted in 2016, and, of all places, the Washington Mall, and how the HeartMath Institute will be measuring the event's energetic effects on the planet.

Speaker 1:

Mary Cromwell is the founder and executive director of the great Mother Love Way. She's a humble servant to Mother Gaia and Mother's spiritual councils. As an internationally known Gaia mystic and high priestess, visionary healer and award-winning author, she's committed to help birth new earth. For over 26 years she has studied with various Indigenous elders as well as other gifted mentors. Her books include messages from Mother Earth, mother, the Great Mother Bible and the best-selling Return to the Mother World. Mary leads a year-long program called the Great Mother Way. She also initiated and co-webweaves an annual spiritual global grid of ceremonies, along with other global grids of ceremonies. These unified fields of ceremony offer deep healing to Mother Gaia and all of her sacred seen and unseen ones, all to lay the groundwork for the full birthing of the new earth. Join us in our conversation with Mary. Welcome, mary. Thank you so much for joining us.

Speaker 2:

I'm really honored to be here. I think this will be fun to talk with you guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I get to ask you some questions that I haven't had a chance to ask you over the past few years or several years that we've known each other. So this is really exciting and we know you're doing a lot of really amazing work in the world and we would love to hear your origin story, Like how did you get here to this moment?

Speaker 2:

You know, I would say there are various phases of my life that have been origin stories, I guess, but the biggest one, the doozy, I would say, where things really shifted in my life, was in the early summer, in the early summer of 2012. And I had just been diagnosed with lymphoma at right at the end of May 2012. And had already made a commitment to meet an Algonquin medicine man to do a ceremony for Gaia, and I've been communicating closely, working very closely with Gaia for many, many years. She actually appeared to him one time on a trail as a sort of a column of wispy vapor and they had a three hour long conversation. So so she requested of the two of us asked him to ask me the month before whether we would be willing to do a ceremony for her, and at the time I was like you know, of course, yes, I would love that, I always love doing ceremony anyway. And I'd already been studying with a Cherokee teacher for 14 years and she was like I'm not going to go far that prior to that and she and I had parted ways about a year and a half before this ceremony was scheduled and but anyway. So then I was diagnosed with a lymphoma.

Speaker 2:

A few weeks after the request came forward and I just knew I had to be at the ceremony, regardless of how it was feeling. I was freaking out, as you can imagine, and the ceremony was to take place in the northern part of Pennsylvania, near the New York state border. So I drove up there four days after the diagnosis and met with the Algonquin man medicine man and we got a hotel room because we were going to be there for at least two nights. We had to arrive, do the ceremony the next day, etc. And right before the ceremony started we were in a forest. We found a beautiful area in a forest there in this park in New York state. He said to me that he was going to be bringing mother or gaias energy and consciousness into me, into my energy body, but he didn't know how we were going to disconnect afterwards and my response in that moment was I'm not really concerned about whatever is meant to happen, because I just trusted that whatever was meant to happen was going to be the appropriate, right thing. Like I trusted mother. And right at the end of the ceremony, mother started talking to me very clearly and the first thing she said was that she said, if you surrender to me to the extent I will ask you to surrender, I will help you heal from the cancer without the doctors, and that's what happened.

Speaker 2:

Over the next 14, 15 months, I had all sorts of wild things happen, though, too All these miracles, like you know. 10 days after that ceremony, I was back in Maryland and I got a very clear request, and I knew it was mother speaking through the dolphins and whales, but the dolphins and whales came in on the Spirit plane and requested that I go to the ocean, the coast of. I went to Chingatig and Assateague, one of my go-tos for a retreat in Maryland, virginia, and on the way to the coast, to the shore, I filled my car up with, you know, the full IDOL, the golf diesel. You know, vw golf diesel, and the gasket stayed on full for 110 miles, which was really weird and kind of freaking me out and not kind of, it was very much freaking me out because I thought, oh God, now I have a mechanic's bill to deal with and I was living off my savings at the time and working on another book. I had just started another book because, you know, I had written one book that came out in 2002, called, if I Gave you, god's Fun Number, and I had even hired a writing coach to the tune of like $4,000.

Speaker 2:

And I was working on this book and then Mother came into my life, boom, along with the cancer diagnosis, and so on the way to the beach, the gas gauge was stayed on full. And I'm looking at this going oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I don't need another mechanic's bill. Oh dear, what's going on? And then, finally, after 110 miles, started going down normally, like it was, you know, as it would have normally done, without being stuck on full. And I said to Mother, because we were talking a lot, and I said you must be doing this. And she said, yes, this is so. You can trust me, my daughter, I'm taking care of you. And the stories just go on from there.

Speaker 2:

You know, I went to the ocean, I was there for a couple of days, got a hotel room, did ceremony, you know, late at night, early in the morning, sunrise ceremony, and Mother asked me then to put the other book aside and to do the first book with her. And she gave me the title messages from Mother Earth, mother. And she gave me all the chapter headings and I mean, I knew all the. I knew what the book was going to be about by the end of that night. And then she gave me one of the full messages, which is to us women her daughters. And then the book was done in five weeks, as soon as I got back from the beach, so it's a kind of a short book, but it was so. I went full in immersion with Mother and I still am, still am in immersion.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's really powerful stuff. Thank you for sharing that, and I'm sure there's so much more too. I would love to hear that at some point. The multitude of multitude of miracles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, there are more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so. So what are you doing right now in service to Diane?

Speaker 2:

I'm listening a lot to her.

Speaker 2:

I'll start out with that. I'm going through a bit of a quiet phase. You know I've been sick the past few weeks and that kind of kind of knocked me out a little bit of work. Wise, I am gearing up for the next 1000 goddesses gathering global grid, which is a project that mother asked me to take on first in 2016 she gave me the message 2015. I'm leading the great mother love way classes. I teach a year long course called the great mother love way that mother asked me to organize first. The first set of classes started in 2019. And yeah, you know gearing up to possibly go to Norway this coming winter to do some events and work with a very close friend who's an amazingly gifted animal communicator. She's actually working on a book of messages from the Northern Lights. She's just phenomenal. So we've been talking about my coming to visit her and spending time with her with the northern lights, so that's kind of fun and exciting. We've just confirmed that we're going to do this probably at the end of March or so, and but I'm just stating a little in the midst of all this, you know, planning for the global grid and there's a there's, there's stuff sort of simmering in the background of some new projects and courses that aren't fully clear yet. So I'm on listening, spiritually listening, for the guidance there.

Speaker 2:

Mayor, can you tell us a little bit more about the 1000 goddesses gathering, like? What is it and what inspired it, and maybe how it's evolved over the years? I first heard about this Tibetan prophecy of when 1000 goddesses are Tibetan Tars unite. It will shift the tone of our sacred earth from fear to compassion. And I first heard about it because I was on Facebook in late fall 2015. And Claire de Wa, who founded tree sisters, was talking about that prophecy as a way to raise money, to ask women to raise money, to reforest the planet, basically. And as soon as I read it, mother said to me and you're going to organize that in the physical, it was like boom. And I was like I, you know, I gulp them like wow. I said and you're going to help, right, mother, because that's a big project. And I said, of course you know.

Speaker 2:

So initially I thought that this was going to be like a weekend event, a big goddess festival with ceremony held at some venue and we would have registration and we would have vendors, and it was going to be this big event. But oh, no, one of my credos is mother has a plan. So fast forward into the summer of 2016,. And I was working with another woman and we were starting to do this planning for this big event that would be a retreat type of, or a goddess festival and mother woke me up at five in the morning in late July 2016 and said this event needs to happen this fall before the elections in Washington DC. It was like boom. I was like, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

So I got out of bed at like 5.15. I'm like I looked at the calendar on the wall and I said, okay, what date, mother? When do you want us to do this? And she signified that she wanted it to be the third October in 2016. And so we scrambled.

Speaker 2:

I was able to rally a big group of volunteers and got a high priestess, who is an Oshun high priestess, to lead the ceremony. I mean, just all these people came together. It was very intense. I had never organized an event on the Washington Mall. It's not a small thing to do, and but we did it.

Speaker 2:

And in the middle of the ceremony, I found out later that night friends and very gifted light workers in the middle of the ceremony, a massive conduit of white light came in from off-planet right into where we were and radiated the ground there very deeply and then radiated out and cleared all these dense energies from the heart of DC. And when I found that out later that night from a very gifted light worker who saw it, I went oh okay, now I know why mother wanted this to happen, because what it did was it was, in a very concentrated way, cleared these heavier energies within a three mile radius of that part of the Washington Mall, which included the White House, the Capitol building, even the Pentagon building. And so I wrote up a spiritual report and sent it out to everybody who registered, who was there that day. And one woman contacted me a few days later and said you know, I work in the Pentagon and I have noticed a shift of a lot less sort of shadow masculine behavior in the Pentagon since the goddess is gathering. And she said I thought it was me, but now I'm realizing it was the ceremony and this huge white light that came in. So that's what happened, and we didn't have a thousand women attend that first time, but we definitely invoked more than a thousand goddesses.

Speaker 2:

And so then the event happened two years later, again on the Washington Mall, and now it has evolved into a global grid. I got permission on the spirit plane. I was like, so grateful, like you don't need to organize any more events on the Washington Mall after 2018. It's just a lot, a lot of work. And, mary, you were there, you had a really lovely tent and you were offering healings there in 2018. I'm very grateful for you doing that.

Speaker 2:

But that's the story behind it, and it's hard to find information on the internet or even contacting various Buddhist teachers about this prophecy. But there was one website where a woman talked about it, and there's actually a man from India who's an artist that he talks about it. So I have learned from some of the Native American teachers that I've studied with that many prophecies are not written down and what I know is that mother really wanted this to happen. So it's very powerful when a huge group of or I would say it's very powerful when you have significant people with significant spirit teams do ceremony, because the spirit teams that come in can really, really have a wonderful, positive impact on the planet. And this is what this global grid is about this unified field of ceremonies.

Speaker 1:

Can you tell us a little bit more? For people who aren't familiar with this idea, tell us a little bit more about the global grids, what they are, what they do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there are a number of groups who organize global meditations or silent moments around the world, prayers, yoga-focused days around the world, and for what I'm being asked to do spiritually, it's about ceremony, it's about people coming together in their locations. So you have all these nodes around the planet of people doing ceremony and the people who are called to do it it's like they know they're called to do it or they're not called to do it are people who do a lot of ceremony for the most part, not always, you know, and I encourage people I said you know all you need to do is light a candle and be still, and if you work with the Virgin Mary, call her in. If you work with Mary Magdalene, call her in, and then it can be far more elaborate than that. But when there is this web of these ceremonies, it weaves a field of energy that is tapping into all the spirit teams that are called in and there are so many spiritual beings who are waiting for us to call on them to support us here on earth.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I heard one woman talk about how she was interviewing Matthew Fox. I don't know if you know him, matthew Fox, but he's a really well known spiritual teacher, I'll say was excommunicated Catholic priest, but he was talking with a woman who very, very spiritual woman but kind of living a peasant life, but a very gifted spiritual woman, somewhere in Europe's place I don't know exactly what country it was and the woman said to him you know, there are all these unemployed angels, there are all these spiritual beings that are beautiful, who are serving mother, who are a mother guy, who are waiting for us to call on them. So this is what we do with this unified field, this global grid of ceremonies is call on the spirit teams, call on your spirit teams and we. It's all woven together. When there's that much luminous love coming in from all these ceremonies and all the spirit teams called in, it actually clears the planet of dancer energies. It's like it brings a clearing forward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thanks, yeah, and you had mentioned these global efforts like days of meditation or days where people come together over one thing, and that reminds me of the work of the Heart Math Institute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, thank you. Yeah, it's very exciting this year that the Heart Math Institute has agreed to actually monitor, on the day of the global grid, october 21st, for a two hour period of time, any shifts in the heart coherence energies across the planet. They have these technologies that people have agreed to be citizen scientists for them, and so there's it's like a I don't really know what you call it, it's this round thing and you plug it into your Wi-Fi and it's plugged into the wall, your electrical system, and it's just on 24 seven and by people hosting these, it allows the Heart Math Institute to collect data from their I forget what they're called, but anyway their technologies that are in people's homes in different parts of the world, like they have a cluster of them in South Africa and a cluster in some different parts of Europe and clusters in North America. They're actually seeking to expand the numbers of these technologies If people want to do this and work with the Heart Math Institute, because they're constantly using them with different global grids or unified fields to, because it's a way to measure the rising or the changes in the heart coherence energies around the planet. But they're going to be doing this for us. You know, I had some meetings with the director of research and it's very exciting this is happening. It's a little interesting for us because people who do their ceremonies within the Thousand Goddesses Gathering Global Grid generally do them wherever it's most conducive, whenever it's most conducive during that day, and so we're going to have ceremony starting in New Zealand, which is going to be the night before for me here on the East Coast of the United States.

Speaker 2:

So the recommendation is, if people can do it between 12 and 2pm Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Time beautiful. If not, then just do it whenever you can. And I'm certain that their technology is going to measure something. So we'll just see what's going to happen. But it's very exciting to think that we might actually have some data, but there are no promises. I mean Roland McCready, the head of research. That would hurt our heart. Math says look, we don't know what's going to happen, so we can't make any guarantees. I'm like I get it. But I will also add that it has been interesting the past few years with these global grids to have people contact me for a couple of days afterwards and say I really felt a difference, I really felt shifted. So they're experiencing something. And a woman in Germany, somebody out in California, so something happens during this and all I know is that mother wants this to happen and she wants us to keep on doing it, and hopefully we'll have some data this year from the Heart Math Institute, which would be really exciting.

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