Curious Mind Grapes

Weaving the Unified Field: An Interview with Mare Cromwell (Part 2)

Mary Hoyt Kearns, PhD and Christine Szegda, M.Ed., ACC Episode 11

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In this episode, we continue our interview with Mare Cromwell. In Part 2, Mare shares about her non-profit organization, The Great Mother Love Way, and shares how she helps others connect with Mother Gaia. We learn what she does to support the global grid and hear stories about her work with others around the world. She also shares how to stay grounded while doing this spiritual work, how connecting with Mother Gaia and nature helps us on our all of our healing journeys, and how each of us can play a role in planetary healing.

Mare's website

1000 Goddesses Gathering

The HeartMath Institute

Permaculture Institute

Animal Communication

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Speaker 2:

Welcome to Two Harmless Randos with your hosts, mary and Christine. In today's episode, we continue our interview with Mayor Cromwell. Today, mayor shares about her nonprofit organization, the Great Mother Love Way, and shares how she helps others connect with Mother Gaia. We learn what she does to support the global grid and hear stories about her work with others around the world. She also shares how to stay grounded while doing this spiritual work, how connecting with Mother Gaia and nature helps us all on our healing journeys and how each of us can play a role in planetary healing. We hope you enjoy part two of our interview with Mayor Cromwell. Mary, you talk about following your intuition and listening for messages and waiting for the plan to be revealed. I know you mentioned that you were trying to stay in touch with your natural rhythms and when to take a break and when to move forward, but I'm wondering what's next for you and do you have other projects or events that are in the works beyond what you've already told us about?

Speaker 1:

Not really not any beyond what I've shared with you. I am in a gestation place to some degree. I've been doing the Great Mother Love Way classes. Now this is the fifth year. For year one I have advanced students too. This will be the seventh year for the Thousand Goddesses Gathering Global Grid. I'm just listening right now. I'm just tuning in.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I'm healing from getting pretty sick for the past few weeks too. I'm getting my energy back there. There's certain things that are calling to me, but it's kind of hazy as to what it may be. This past winter I was spiritually asked and it wasn't necessarily by mother, but mother approved it. I was asked by some indigenous ancestors because sometimes they communicate with me when I'm doing fire ceremony or depends on where I am or what I'm doing. But they requested that I organize a global grid of apology ceremonies to the original peoples and their ancestors. That happened this winter in March, right around the equine it was March 19th. I don't know if I'm going to do that again. I don't feel like I am. That was a huge amount of work.

Speaker 1:

It's hard for people to understand what it's like holding space energetically for these global grids. There's a lot of energy behind them. There are a lot of spirit teams involved. The apologies, global grids, the original peoples triggered a lot of people. Indigenous peoples and other indigenous peoples were really ecstatic that I was doing that, that I got spiritually called. It was a real mixed bag, but there was a lot of emotional static, shall we say, in the spirit planes that I had to hold space for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's interesting, and I want to share one more thing related to these global grids. I'm very blessed to work with some exceptional cosmic shamans, and these are people who don't just do shamanistic work on the planet, they actually work off-planet to support the birthing of the new earth. And so one of the things that happens when we move closer to the date of the global grids is to put a call out to these cosmic shamans and ask them to start working with their spirit teams to lay the groundwork so that all of the ceremonies and the energies of them will be really woven in well, and then calling in even additional spirit teams to support the unified field of ceremonies. So that's something I talk about sometimes, but it is an aspect of what it is that I'm blessed that I can do, and I guess part of the reason that I'm asked to do this spiritually.

Speaker 3:

The cosmic shamans? Are these people, people who are located around the world?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a very it's like 20 or two people actually at this point, but they have significant spirit teams. So they're in the physical, they're humans, but they just have tremendous gifts, tremendous spirit teams.

Speaker 2:

Mary, you were mentioning the great mother love way. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're being called back home to mother. This is part of what we're meant to be doing during these times. We were never meant to be so distant from her, so disconnected. This is a year-long course and then there are advanced level courses which help people really connect far more sacredly with Mother Gaia. They learn about doing ceremony. They learn about I actually just did a class last night and then this afternoon, because I do classes in different time zones or group of people in Europe and sometimes I have people live a woman in New Zealand this time and then other people in North America.

Speaker 1:

But we did a class this week on self-love as part of the journey to embracing the path of love, into really being deeply connected with Mother. Incorporating in that is huge. It's so important our own self-love. But we did a class earlier in September on how to set up an altar and to work with an altar. So there are various tools I teach people.

Speaker 1:

Their spirit teams get enhanced. They learn a lot more about who Mother Gaia is. They get introduced to one of the councils that Mother is a part of that is very focused on Earth at this time, which is the family of one who are part of the spirit team, the significant there, actually the spirit team behind the Thousand Goddesses Gathering. So it's about learning by the end of the year how to really step into your role. And you can choose a title to either be a Gaia Priestess or Priest or Love Worker. I say Love Worker and not Light Worker or Wayshore. People choose their own title, but it's to empower people and help them step into being a luminous love note, because Mother needs us all to be luminous love notes here on Earth at this time. So that's what the course is about.

Speaker 3:

That was amazing it does. It sounds lovely.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome to join. The next class starts next June.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it sounds like you have students around the world and you are working with other people ever Love Workers and other priestesses, all sorts of people you've connected with around the world. Can you tell us a little bit about, like maybe some of your most memorable or fun, enjoyable work you've done globally besides the Thousand Goddesses?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, gosh, that's a really good question to ask. I will share this. I have an extraordinary friend who I met in 2019. I was going to be doing some events in Europe, in Belgium, in the Netherlands and one event wasn't going to work out and I had been seeing this man's postings on Facebook and I'm very grateful that Facebook translates the postings and the comments from whatever language that person is writing into English, you know, and I was reading what this man was doing and he seemed to be very, very gifted and I just felt this connection with him that I would even meeting him, just seeing his you know postings and feeling his energy through Facebook. So I reached out to him and said you know, I'm going to be in Europe and I have some time and I'm wondering if you might be willing to host one or two workshops for me to do in your area I really love what you're about and there's a lot of overlap. And he was immediately enthusiastic and said, oh, yes, that would be great. And so I ended up leading two workshops at his center there and he's right on the North Sea.

Speaker 1:

His name is Cornelis Jan Kouperis and we have become like the best of friends and we. He's an extraordinary, extraordinary nature spirit mystic and so he can see the nature spirits and communicate with them so clearly. This has been, you know, one of his gifts since he was a child and they use the title wizard there in Europe, so he calls himself a nature spirit mystic and a wizard, and so we have done a couple of webinars together about the nature spirits, connecting with the nature spirits, and I was back in Europe in August and was able to visit him again and do another event and then do ceremony with him, two ceremonies with him, and the man is an absolute hoot. He's actually half elf. He's just incredibly fun and funny and high energy and, like he just sent me a message yesterday, he's constantly sending me things, little videos and photos, and I can't even keep up with him. A lot of times he doesn't sleep at night. He just got all this energy. He's constantly downloading all these spiritual messages which are very profound, very connected with Mother Gaia also. But he sent me a message yesterday about how he had a meeting with the Pixies about the ceremony that they're going to do for October 21st where the 1000 goddesses gathering global grid, and I know he really did have a meeting with the Pixies, but what that means, I don't even really know what it means. What I know is that it was a lot of silliness but ideas, because the Pixies definitely want to be involved in the planning of this event, and what he's going to be doing there in that part of the Netherlands for the 1000 goddesses gathering is.

Speaker 1:

This may sound a bit out there for people, but we know a lot. Not only have Mother Gaia as our planetary caretaker, but Mother Gaia has a divine masculine partner and his name is Gaia. A lot of people don't know this. There's just a whole story behind it and they have a child. They have a sacred union, ostring, who was given the name Geodesica, because those who can see spirit say that she looks like a geodesic shape.

Speaker 1:

Now, geodesica is really high energy.

Speaker 1:

She is a spiritual being now who's all over the planet activating areas.

Speaker 1:

She's all about joy and fun and partying, but partying in a good way, and she's been waiting for someone to organize a festival in her name because she wants everyone to know about her and connect with her.

Speaker 1:

She embodies the New Earth energies just hugely, and so this is going to be the first big Geodesica and Nature Spirit celebration on the planet and he's organizing it because he made a promise to her that he was going to help her, and so he and I were talking back in the winter and I said, well, you know, geodesica is still waiting. And he's like, oh my God, yes, so that's kind of out there, maybe for people, but it's going to be a huge party and I wish I was over there in Europe to be part of it. Honestly, he has all the tears out there. It's going to be a hoot. It's going to be a hoot and all these Nature Spirits, because the Nature Spirits love Geodesica because she's so high energy, and they're high energy and they're all love, frequency, joy, frequency, and oh my God, so they're all rallying. It's going to be this huge event with not only humans but Nature Spirits too, and unicorns and dragons, and it just gets more and more interesting.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be a huge party.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that part of Europe is going to get super activated, which is needed.

Speaker 2:

Where is that again? What did?

Speaker 1:

you say. The town is called Moturgat, which is a really tiny little town right on the North Sea. The region is Friesland and Friesland is in the northern part of the Netherlands, northeastern part. They actually have their own culture. There's a whole history there, but much of the rest of the Netherlands is a different culture, so to speak. They have their own language but they speak Dutch also, but they also speak Friesland. They're really into the Nature, spirits in their culture. They have all these events. They have parades where people dress up as fairies and gnomes and elves. I think half the cultures see spirit really clearly. They know they really exist. It's really amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I want to go. Yeah, I know, I know let's book our flights, although I'm committed to being here. I just came back from Europe. I have other stories of you know, mean and other parts of the world where, yeah, like when I was in New Zealand, in Australia, and I was leading some events in both countries and there the Indigenous ancestors are very prominent. They're still very much there in the spiritual realms, right on the land.

Speaker 1:

And two different times I was challenged by the ancestors. First in New Zealand, as I was leading a fire ceremony. They were like who are the people? Who are you? You didn't ask permission. You know, this is our land. And it was really interesting because I could hear them not 100% word for word, but I heard their message and I had to tell them that I serve mother. I mean, I really I have surrendered to serve mother. And then one of the people who was in the sacred fire circle, I said what is the name again in Maori for mother Gaia? It's like Papa Tuanuko. I said Papa Tuanuko, I have surrendered to serve her. My work is to help people who look like me come back home to her. And when they heard me say that and I'm feeling energy as I'm saying this I don't know if you are then they backed off and they gave me their blessing.

Speaker 1:

And then a similar thing happened in Australia. They were challenging me energetically as I was in a car driving to the site of where I was going to lead a day-long workshop, and I could feel them like trying to pressure me into not even coming up the mountain and I realized I had to communicate with them and tell them, because I could feel my spirit teams that's my understanding of it. I mean, the spirit knows everything. And I didn't. I in no way wanted to be a threat to them, I really. So I told them. I said I'm here to serve mother, I'm here to help you all bring more people back into the ways you live, which we have lost. And then they backed off and again I'm getting ripples of energy up and down my spine telling you this.

Speaker 1:

And then the third event, big event there, when I was in Australia, the same trip. That was a whole story into itself because that's where that was the first time the ancestors asked me to organize a small or a smaller apology ceremony to the original peoples. It had to do with the town where we were supposed to do a workshop about Mother Gaia and everything was going wrong with the planning of that. I was just elated with a friend who I had known from years before, who lived in that town, and it's just like all this drama. And then I realized, as she was giving me a tour of the area and the town, the energies were way off and I said something, something, what's going on here? And she said oh well, you may be feeling the energies of the massacre, because the original settlers gave arsenic lace flower to a whole village, aboriginal village, about a hundred years before.

Speaker 1:

So this is more recent in their history. You know, here in the East part of the United States, I mean we're talking hundreds of years ago or maybe 200, 300 years ago. I mean in Australia this is a hundred years ago or 80 years ago, but the settlers never did anything to make amends, to offer apologies or anything to their aboriginal people. And so I arrive and I get asked by the ancestors and Mother Gaia to get told basically that the workshop's not going to happen and this is going to be a discussion and an opening ceremony to ask the villagers there to organize something, to plan something, to make things more right and there was an aboriginal elder who was part of the planning committee. He was very excited that this was the directive that came forward from the Spirit Plains. So these are some of the adventures I've had out and about.

Speaker 2:

Listening to you talk about, you know, sensing the energy of these past events and sensing the energy as you're going into things. It's just making me wonder, with so much of this work being energetic and spiritual and mystical, what can you share about staying grounded while also operating on the ground On this more mystical level?

Speaker 1:

That's a really good question. It's a very important question. There are two things actually there. One is staying very grounded and two it's knowing how to tuck your energy body way in and taking care of your energy body, because I get challenged a lot. I don't always remember to tuck my energy body in when I'm out and about and I can come home and feel completely wiped because I forgot and that was my mistake.

Speaker 1:

But the grounding part I actually teach and it's free on my website. It's something that people can just download for free. It's called Mother's Love Chord Connection and it came from a message I got from Mother in January of 2013, after the first book with her came out Messages to Mother Earth, mother, and in this message she said she really missed having all of us humans, her beloved two-legged children, being energetically, spiritually connected to her from our hearts directly to her heart. And right after that she guided me to create a meditation, a second activation, where we create an energy cord, we visualize and we actually manifest an energy cord from us directly to Mother's Heart. That goes back and forth and it's a really wonderful way to be super grounded to her. But, yes, learning how to work with the energy be really protected. There are different ways to word it. It's a whole field of studies unto itself, and that's one of the things I teach about in the Great Mother Love Way class too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've heard about that in energy work, especially working with animals and doing energy work if their field is too far expanded because it's already much more expanded than ours in many cases. If it's too far expanded it can cause a lot of uncomfortable things to happen. So I'm curious when you said to tuck your energy body in, can you tell me a little bit more about that? What does that mean for you?

Speaker 1:

Well, the way I learned it, and they teach this in different traditions Like one of the people who's in the Great Mother Love Way class this year and year one has studied Qigong pretty intensively and so they teach it there. It's really honestly knowing one, that we have an aura, that we've an energy field and for most people they're not that mindful of it and it's way out there and it's actually gathering it, visualizing it, gathering it and then tucking it in. And you can tuck it into the small of your back and it's called the Ningma in the Qigong tradition. As I learned it from this woman, I feel a big difference when I do that, when I wake up in the morning, because when I wake up I know my energy fields way out there.

Speaker 1:

I've been out on the dream plane all night, so I will tuck it in when I remember, as soon as I get up into the small of my back, gather it, and then you can also tuck it in into your sacral chakra, at your aura or womb space for women. And as I'm telling you this, and I'm moving my arms and I'm doing this with my hands, I'm feeling myself pulling my energy body in. I feel already that I'm grounding myself more and then you can visualize shielding. There are people and I haven't yet evolved to this place there are people who teach about if you are truly in your heart and emanating love of the highest degree, that in itself is a way of taking care of your energy body. Nothing's gonna come into your energy body, it's just gonna be deflected or transmuted. I'm working on that level. I haven't gotten there fully yet.

Speaker 3:

Something to aspire toward for all of us.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, yes, all of us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and speaking of energy, before you were seeing when you organized these larger events and you're calling in, you're calling in the spirit plane and working with all these different dimensions that it can be draining. What do you do to replenish yourself?

Speaker 1:

Well, I tap mother a lot. I try to stay as connected to her as possible. I will call my energy back in when I feel depleted. I will go barefoot a lot outside and connect with the trees and ask them to support me. I take long baths. I try to sleep enough, but I ask my spirit teams to help me hugely. Yeah, oh, thank you. Sure, I try to eat well too, and chocolate is key, as much chocolate as possible, you said read.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, yeah. Was there anything that we didn't ask you that you would love to tell us about? Maybe?

Speaker 1:

if possible. Well, one is that I have started a nonprofit called the Great Mother Love Way to actually help support a lot of this work that I do, because these spiritual global grids are really neighbors of love and so people are very much invited to consider donating to support this. That's been a big adventure just getting that launched. We got the final 501c3 IRS letter in May, which was usually exciting, so that's a big news for me and a big shift, like taking all of my work and transitioning all of it over to the nonprofit. It's been a little complicated but we've made it happen for the most part. Most of it's done. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

I just want to share this that if people knew how much we are loved by mother, I just know that it would help so many people in their healing journeys, because our society, our Western society, is not good at encouraging us to cultivate self-love. Our school systems have us feel like we're constantly being evaluated and judged. And then we've got ancestral trauma and past life trauma and I consider mother the ultimate healer. I mean when she gave me that message right at the end of that ceremony, when she was brought into my energy body and then I was healed from the lymphoma within like 16 months. And tapping mother, tapping. And when I say tapping mother, I'm really also talking about asking the trees for help.

Speaker 1:

There are powerful healers unto themselves, cultivating relationships, friendships with a favorite tree in your yard or your neighborhood can be huge. And all of these beautiful spiritual ones and I call them the sacred, seen and unseen ones are waiting for us to reconnect with them. The nature spirits exist. I have more than enough friends I'm very blessed who can see them, communicate with them, and they're like all reaching their hand out, for the most part saying come back home to us, because we're meant to be living in a co-creative, sacred relationship with all of them, and we all used to. Our ancestors knew how to do this, so it's in our DNA how to live in balance and in harmony here on earth, and this is what we're being called to do, with this new earth coming in. So this is the time. Yeah, come back home.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and there are people I've met people in Ireland, Japan, southwestern part of the US and other parts of the US who whose cultures have never lost that relationship in its really beautiful to see and to know what we could be doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and the opportunity is for us to learn it. You know, and a lot of people are teaching it. It thrills me how many people are learning plant communication and animal communication and permaculture and regenerative agriculture. I mean, the ways are here. It's just we all need to shift over soon.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to two harmless randos. Check out our show notes for links to more information about the topics we discussed today.

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